distribution of frequencies to date, though their permit is renewed every six years.
he only exception is the threat of suspending the activities of radio “Star”.2

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.1 (2007 = 4.8 ; 2009 = 2.3)

The state/public broadcaster is accountable to
the public through a board representative of society
at large and selected in an independent, open and
transparent manner.
he panel is irm on the fact that: the public broadcaster does not have a board that
is representative of society at large. ORTB is governed by a seven member board
of directors which holds two statutory meetings every year and has the following
A representative of the Minister of Communications and (ICT) information
communication technology will serve as the chairperson.
• A representative of the Minister of Planning
• A representative of ORTB personnel chosen by his colleagues
• A representative of the Minister of Finance
• A representative of the Minister of Agriculture
• A consumer representative
• An individual, who is knowledgeable in broadcasting
2 he HAAC had shut down Radio Star during the previous term of oice (2008) because its promoter,
without requesting permission from the HAAC as required by the agreement, sold the operating frequency
to another person. he HAAC had shut down the radio failing to send a notiication as required. he
Supreme Court, on application by the promoter, rules out the decision to close Radio Star on procedural
grounds in 2009.he HAAC did not consider it necessary to shut down the radio again, which could now
begin to broadcast and this time following procedures, since the closure period (almost a year) had caused
the deterioration of equipment and more than a one year backlog in rent in addition to other charges. Not
to mention that some of the equipment was seized and now it is very diicult for the radio to broadcast in
a small radius.



Select target paragraph3