Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.1 (2007=4.3; 2009=1.9; 2011=2.8)

2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent media
Despite aid to the private press estimated at 350 million CFA francs (700,000 US
dollars), the Government does not promote a viable and independent economic
environment. Most press organs barely survive according to one panellist, who
cited the case of a radio station whose employees’ salaries were 26 months in
The panel was of the opinion that the criteria for allocation of aid to the press are
not always adhered to. When a press organ is singled out more than three times
by the ODEM (Observatoire de la déontologie et de l’éthique dans les médias –
Professional Practices and Media Ethics Observatory) it is not eligible for aid to the
press. When aid is allocated, it has no impact on journalists. Press bosses stand
accused of not investing to improve working conditions for journalists.
Taxation on the media does not foster a viable economic environment. Community
radios paid 500,000 CFA francs (1000 US dollars) in annual licensing fees before
the amount was adjusted downwards to 200,000 CFA francs (400 US dollars) in
accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Decision No. 08-50/HAAC of 12
December 2008 on the fixing of new rates for licence fees to be paid by promoters
of private radio and television broadcasts for each category. The difficulties noted
have prompted associations to call for a fund to support media development. One
panellist revealed that there is a legal deadlock on such a fund. Worse still, he
added, it would be foolish to think that the professional associations would have
any control over such a fund.



Select target paragraph3