country. He had also filed a complaint against the newspaper, which had been
sentenced to three months’ suspension in April.
In breach of the relevant legislation, John Akintola was arrested and held in
custody for insulting the Head of State. During the trial, he refused to publish his
sources. Regarding whistleblowers or informers, a member stressed that they are
protected by the Criminal Procedure Code and the Anti-Corruption Act.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.5 (2007=1.0; 2009=1.3; 2011=1.0)

1.7 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to all citizens.
We note the absence of any law governing access to information in Benin. Public
information is not easily accessible and is not guaranteed for all citizens. The
principle of access to information is implemented half-heartedly in Benin.
In the chapter on the declaration on the rights of journalists contained in the
Code of Ethics of the Beninese press, Article 21 stipulates that “the journalist shall
have access to all sources of information in the exercise of his/her profession and
shall have the right to investigate freely all facts influencing public life”.
The bill on the Information Code was introduced in Parliament only in 2014. One
part of this bill is devoted to access to information, thus giving the impression
that the matter concerns only journalists and the media. Furthermore, since
2014 another joint initiative of civil society organisations, in particular WANEPBénin, the media and political figures consisted of setting up a coalition aimed
at adopting a law on public access to information for all citizens, including
journalists. WANEP-Bénin is presently working on this law with the said coalition
and has begun an effective advocacy campaign with a view to its adoption.
In spite of the work conducted by the coalition as well as the bill on the Information
and Communications Code which has been forwarded to the National Assembly,



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