areas being covered. In the press, there are agents who have no salary but who
own a car that they could only have purchased thanks to the large sums of money
collected during news coverage.
In order to work in the media, the recruitment process usually starts with a course,
but a university qualification is increasingly required, a higher education degree
equivalent to at least a university third-year qualification. The press card is signed
jointly by the HAAC and the Minister of Communications. The general conditions
for obtaining it are the licence plus two years of professional practice. The HAAC
has set up a data base which makes it possible to establish who is a journalist
and who is not, because to be called a journalist, it is not enough to write a few
No physical attacks on journalists have been recorded. The reflex of those who
violate press freedom is not aimed at undermining the physical integrity of

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.6 (2007: n/a; 2009=1.5; 2011=1.5)

4.4 Journalists and other media practitioners are organised in trade unions and/or professional associations, which effectively represent their interests.
Media professionals are grouped under the UPMB (Union des professionnels des
médias du Bénin – Benin Union of Media Professionals) but some do not belong
to it. Press employers are represented by the CNPA (Conseil national du patronat
de la presse – National Council of Press Employers). The UMPB and the CNPA
are two large associations that emerged from the Etats Généraux de la presse,
conference bringing together all players in the industry. The ephemeral creation
of SYNPROMEB (Syndicat national des professionnels des médias du Bénin –
National Union of Media Professionals of Benin) and SYNAPROPRESSE (Syndicat
national des professionnels de la presse – National Union of Press Professionals)
did not affect the older unions. There are also unions at the ORTB and La Nation.



Select target paragraph3