Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists

displayed to candidates and agents and posted outside
polling stations before being transmitted to constituency
Recounting votes
ZEC has power to order recount of votes, either on request
by party or candidate or on its own initiative.
Under the new legislation, ballot papers will be destroyed
14 days after election unless an election petition is lodged.
Media conduct during elections is also governed by the
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Media Coverage of
Elections) Regulations (Statutory Instrument 33 of 2008).
The regulations require equitable coverage of political
parties by both print publishers and broadcasters.
In the case of broadcasters, the regulations set conditions
on the allocation of airtime for defined programmes as
well as the conduct of presenters and journalists. The
instrument criminalises the use of hate speech and use of
inflammatory statement. The spirit of the regulations is to
create a peaceful electoral environment.
Encouragement to violence, racial, ethnic and religious
hatred is forbidden. ZEC is mandated to monitor the
media to ensure observance of this provision.
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission
ZEC is the election management body entrusted with
the conduct of elections and to direct and control the
registration of voters. It is also responsible for providing
voter education.


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