Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists

or do not know closely. Facebook isn’t a contest, and
having more friends doesn’t make your account more
Safety of journalists
Another major primary concern during elections is
that journalists covering elections must be able to work
as safely as possible if they are to get their stories out.
This means being able to survive, avoid injury and
The most important thing is to remember that if the
situation turns ugly do not be a hero. The
assumption is that you will not be fired for refusing to do
a job which puts your life at risk.
The news editor should always be briefed
unstintingly on the dangers of a given assignment.
The journalist’s whereabouts should always be
known to the news editor or a close family member
for easy contact in case of an emergency.
You should always have your cellphone at hand. In
Zimbabwe it is advisable to possess two
handsets of different networks because of the
unreliability of the network services.
Journalists should rally behind one another especially
where it concerns the unlawful arrest, detention,
assault and torture of colleagues.
Never venture into hostile environments alone, you
should always hunt in packs during election time.
When venturing into volatile political areas,


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