Reporting Elections, Safety and Security of Journalists

works for you.
Use a long passphrase (minimum 10 characters), not a
short password or PIN Making it possible to use your
fingerprint, face, eyes, or voice to unlock can be used
against you by force; do not use these options unless you
have a disability which makes typing impossible. Remove
your fingerprints and face from your device if you have
already entered them. Android devices differ, so this could
be in a few locations on your device, but try looking where
you would normally find your device lock settings.
Pattern locks can be guessed; do not use this option.
Simple “swipe to unlock” options are not secure locks;
do not use this option. Disable “make password visible”
Set a long password.
Set your device to sleep after a short period of time and
require a password to unlock on waking. The place to do
this will be different on different devices, but it may be
under “Display,” “System,” or “Security.”
Social Media security
Social media has become an integral part of people’s
lives as it is a primary channel through which we access
information and interact with others. The COVID-19
pandemic has only exasperated this, as isolation pushed
people to lean even more on social media platforms as
their primary connection to the rest of the world. This
has resulted in an increase in the amount of information
people are sharing.


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