otherwise non-functional entity whose activities are limited to meetings of the
committee in charge of issuing such cards.
According to Article 68 of Ordinance 62-039, this professional identity card
is given to “persons holding a diploma or a certificate issued by a professional
training school of broadcasting or journalism”.
In practice, however, two criteria are used: a person applying for a press card
must have either undergone training in a school of journalism or have practiced
as a journalist for at least three years. Obviously, these conditions are somewhat
contradictory, because for a journalist to receive a press card after having practiced
for a minimum of three years implies that it is indeed possible to work without
such a card, at least for an initial three-year period.
In any case, possession of this press card is neither binding nor enabling. A
journalist can still be denied access to an event even if he or she has such a card
or, conversely, be given access without it. For a journalist to be granted access
will depend on the goodwill of the person in charge of entrance control or of
the organising entity. Moreover, this press card is not systematically demanded or
presented as proof of identification.
In theory, possession of the press card entitles journalists to some other privileges.
Ordinance 92-039, in its Article 81, Chapter II on the rights and obligations
of broadcasting professionals, stipulates that “a professional agent holding a
professional identity card is entitled to fiscal and customs exemptions …”. Such
exemptions, however, are not recognised by the Ministry of Finance and therefore
not included in financial legislation.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			



4.9 (2006 = 4.9; 2008 = 2.9)

Select target paragraph3