Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

1.8 (2006 = 2.3; 2008 = 2.9)

4.2 The standard of reporting follows the basic
principles of accuracy and fairness.
Debate on this indicator focused almost exclusively on the private (print) media,
almost as if the question of standards of accurate and fair reporting does not even
begin to apply in the case of the public broadcaster.
There are articles that are enlightening and well informed, and likewise there are
those that leave much to be desired. Facts are not always checked and confirmed
sufficiently prior to publication to avoid errors. Some journalists process and deliver
information for “marketing reasons”, while others instrumentalise information for
political purposes, sacrificing accuracy and fairness in the process. Unfortunately,
the propensity of journalists to have a partisan attitude creates the impression that
“the standard is to be biased”.
These differing interpretations of the facts, in addition to a rather biased handling
of information, make it virtually impossible for readers to inform themselves
accurately by reading only one newspaper. In order to get a complete picture, they
are sometimes compelled to read several papers and compare articles. Furthermore,
it is often difficult for the reader to distinguish between facts and comments,
information and opinion. As a result the public has little trust in the accuracy or
fairness of the media and regards it first and foremost as a propaganda tool.
The context of the crisis has often perverted the role of the media in Madagascar,
making it dependent on political factions. People are therefore more inclined to
give credence to those media outlets that put across their own beliefs.
Journalists in Madagascar lack professional training. Most of them learn the trade
on the job, where basic principles like impartiality are not necessarily applied. The
absence of a common code and self-regulatory system, coupled with ignorance



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