The media landscape, including new
media, is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability
A wide range of sources of information (print,
broadcasting, internet) is accessible and affordable to
There is a slight improvement compared to the situation in 2007. The wide range
of existing sources of information (print, broadcasting, internet) was reinforced
and diversified. However, the major part is concentrated in Cotonou.
There are currently 73 radio stations, 7 television networks and 1,186 newspapers
(about fifty daily newspapers that are regularly published and 160 that are being
Concerning accessibility for citizens, certain rural areas and even some big cities
have no access to newspapers, television or stable internet connection. It shall,
however, be noted that in each of the 77 communes in Benin, there is at least one
local radio broadcasting alongside the national radio. Efforts are also being made
by the government to improve radio and television coverage with the construction
of relays in most parts of the country.
There is a slight improvement with regard to availability but enormous difficulties
remain concerning accessibility. Most newspapers are distributed in Cotonou and
in certain big cities within the country (Porto Novo, Parakou, Bohicon...).
In spite of their relatively low cost (due to Nigeria’s proximity), television sets
remain a luxury for many citizens particularly those in rural areas. Certain citizens
among the poorest populations do not even have access to radio broadcast
information. The same applies to internet access. This is exclusively reserved for
privileged inhabitants of the capital Cotonou and certain secondary towns due to
the lack of electricity and appropriate infrastructure in rural areas.



Select target paragraph3