Freedom of expression, including
freedom of the media, are effectively
protected and promoted.
Freedom of expression, including freedom
of the media, is guaranteed in the constitution and
supported by other pieces of legislation.
The Constitution of the Republic of Benin (article 23 and 24) guarantees and
protects freedom of expression, including freedom of the media.
Article 23 of the Constitution stipulates that “all individuals have the right to
freedom of thought, conscience, religion, worship, opinion and expression in
respect of public order established by law and regulations”. Article 24 stipulates
that “freedom of expression is recognized and guaranteed by the State and
protected by the Higher Broadcasting and Communication Authority (HAAC)
within the conditions set forth by an ‘organic law’ ”.
However, certain legislative and regulatory provisions in addition to government
practices observed over the past few years constitute restrictions to freedom of
expression towards the media, particularly in the public sector.
Journalists believe that freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution and restricted
by laws and regulatory instruments. They illustrate their analyses by referring to
certain shortcomings of the organic law on the HAAC (Higher Broadcasting and
Communication Authority) with regard to the granting of frequencies and the
appointment of public service media managers, the provisions of the media act
and the law on the liberalization of the broadcasting sector, as well as the absence
of a specific tax regime for the media.
Most panel members acknowledge that there is no freedom without limits.
However, they believe that certain legal restrictions and their interpretation or
application by public authorities are really barriers and obstacles to freedom of
As an illustration:
1. Custodial sentences for violations of the Media Act (law nr. 60-12 of 30
June 1960, ordinance nr. 69-22 PR/MJL of 4 July 1969, law nr. 97-010 of 20
August 1997);
2. Penal provisions for possession of administrative documents and the absence
of a law on access to information sources.



Select target paragraph3