Freedom of expression, including
freedom of the media, are effectively
protected and promoted.
Freedom of expression, including freedom
of the media, is guaranteed in the constitution and
supported by other pieces of legislation.
Mali’s Constitution guarantees freedom of expression, including freedom of the
media. In its Article 4, it stipulates that: “everyone has the right to freedom of
thought, conscience, religion, cult, opinion, expression and creation in the respect
of the law”. In harmony with the Declaration of Human and Citizen’s Rights, and
the African Charter of Human and People’s Rights, Article 7 of this fundamental
law stipulates that: “The freedom of the press is recognised and guaranteed. It
exercises itself in the conditions fixed by the law. The equal access for all to State
media is assured by an independent body whose status is fixed by a legislative
In the same vein, the Press and Libel Act (Law N°00-46/AN-RM l of July 7,
2000) guarantees this freedom in Mali. Article 6 of this law states that the “print
and publishing industry are free”.
In February 2008, the President of the Republic established a committee to review
all legislation and regulation in the country, in the light of discrepancies noted
between documents that govern the country and their practical implementation.
After a year of work, the committee made some proposals to address deficiencies
in this regard.
With regard to the improvement of the quality of the press and the free expression
of thought, the committee proposed, among other things, the reorganisation
of press regulation aimed at improving the standards of the profession. It also
proposed the removal of punitive measures such as police custody, preventive
detention and other measures restricting journalists freedom.
In relation to the allocation of airtime on public radio and television stations,
the committee proposed a “thirds” rule to guarantee pluralism: thus, a third of
airtime be allocated to Government activities, a third to ruling party activities and
a third to the activities of opposition parties. The committee also recommended
the establishment of a single regulatory body.



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