SECTOR 3 Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator. 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 1.2 (2008: 1.5 ; 2006 1.0) 3.11 The state/public broadcaster offers as much diverse and creative local content as economically achievable. Analysis: There are quite a few local soap operas and dramas – on both radio and TV. They There are quite a few local soap operas and dramas – on both radio and TV. They are, however, limited in variety and content. New episodes of serials on television are run during prime time from Monday to Friday and repeated after the lunchtime news. There are restrictions on content – ZBC will accept story lines with a social theme but will not touch anything that may have a political slant. Independent production houses such as Media Development Trust, the Zimbabwe International Film Festival and the Short Film Project are viewed with suspicion even when dealing with non-political subjects and their work is rejected more often than not. If ZBC does decide to air any of their material, the independent producers have to pay for the airtime. In fact the income from broadcasting such material on radio or television is a line item in the ZBC budget. Some musicians are not aired on radio or television because of the political issues they raise in their music. AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER ZIMBABWE 2010 53