all along the chain of command - a journalist will censor his or her own story,
the sub-editor will censor it, and then the editor will censor it. The situation is
worsened by the fact that corruption amongst journalists has reached unacceptable
levels due to poor salaries.
It is part of the mandate of the self-regulatory Voluntary Media Council of
Zimbabwe (VMCZ) - which started operating in February 2009 - to improve
standards in the profession. Private and community media subscribe to the
VMCZ’s code of ethics but do not fully enforce the standards set. The council
is currently in an ‘educational phase’, conducting training courses in newsrooms.
With the establishment of the state-controlled Zimbabwe Media Commission
the country now has a dual regulatory mechanism. Media organisations and,
obviously, the VMCZ are opposed to the ZMC. Initially the constitutional
amendment that provided for state regulation was seen as a transitional measure
only. In fact, however, commissioners have been appointed until 2015, well beyond
the time frame set for the development of a new constitution and fresh elections.



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