Some panellists were of the view that the extent of corruption in the media is due
to their salary rates and conditions. “Salaries are not regular, and journalists are
not paid every month. Of course, this is not unique to journalists and working
conditions are poor everywhere, but the difference is that journalists have power
“to destroy, make, reconstruct, and so forth.”
In the broader context, corruption is high across society, and this is an issue that
needs to be looked at across the board. “It’s something that needs to be addressed
universally, and it is reflective of a problem that is inherent in the country, and on
the continent.” It’s not an issue of culture, but rather, an abuse of a privileged
position for selfish means, because there’s no reason why. You know that no one
should pay for an article to be in a newspaper.”
Most media houses do not have policies on how to handle freebies, and this
blurs the lines of what could be deemed corruption. Radio Dialogue has a policy
on this, but still faces challenges with regards to its journalists declaring freebies
received from news sources or other organisations.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.9 (2012 = 2.3; 2010 = 1.7; 2008 = n/a;
2006 = n/a)

4.6 Journalists and editors do not practise self-censorship in in the private broadcasting and print media.
Journalists at both state and private media practise self-censorship.
One panellist noted, “There is no independence in independent media”, primarily
because media houses feel the need to please their advertisers. “Corporate
bullies, politicians and religious charlatans are holding the media hostage with
their advertising.”
In December 2013, Caesar Zvayi, editor of The Herald newspaper, was sent on
forced leave amid accusations by Information, Media and Broadcasting Services



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