The process of selection is, however, not transparent, with overlapping functions
often being assigned. “The CEO of ZMC is also the chairperson of BAZ. And at
one point, the ZMC was instructed to write to the Chair of BAZ. He had to write
to himself!”
ZANU-PF also dominates the process. “During the time of the inclusive
government, with Amendment 19,3 we had people from the different parties
engaged. Since then, what has been happening?”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.5 (2012 = 1.1; 2010 = 1.0; 2008 = n/a;
2006 = n/a)

3.3 The body, which regulates broadcasting services
and licenses, does so in the public interest and ensures
fairness and a diversity of views broadly representing
society at large.
Past licensing processes have demonstrated that procedures were not carried out
fairly, or in the public interest, and that the process is politicised. Additionally,
calls for licence applications for community radio remain lacking, and whether
licensing procedures reflect a diversity of views broadly representing society is
therefore questionable.
Nothing has come of the public hearings for licensing that have been held, and
“when people were licenced, they were the same as those granted licenses in the
previous round, and they have been linked to the ruling party.”
“The issue is that BAZ is not answerable after the hearings.”



Amendment 19 of the Constitution brought into law a power-sharing deal signed between President Robert Mugabe,
leader of the ZANU-PF party, Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC),
and Arthur Mutambara, an MDC breakaway party, on 15 September 2008.


Select target paragraph3