SECTOR 2 Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 3.2 (2012 = 2.9; 2010 = 2.1; 2008 = 2.3; 2006 = 1.3) 2.2 Citizens’ access to domestic and international media sources is not restricted by state authorities. There are no legal restrictions to citizens’ accessing domestic or international news sources. However, in February 2012, there was an attempt by government to bar unregistered foreign newspapers – specifically the critical The Zimbabwean and the Sunday Times – from circulating their papers in Zimbabwe, using the argument that foreign papers had to be registered in the country. The Sunday Times was out of circulation for about one week, and after its lawyers brought up a case, the paper went back into circulation. “These types of things are seasonal issues. The barring of the Sunday Times happened around election time.” The Government does not bar international broadcasters from transmitting in the country, but people without satellite television do not have access to international news sources, as transmission is not made on terrestrial channels. If foreign media houses want to set up offices in the country, the accompanying fees as prescribed by AIPPA are very high. Panellists viewed this as a form of restriction in itself. 28 AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER ZIMBABWE 2015