%RWVZDQD da futura referência. Como John Keane (2011) colocá-lo “; Mediocracia vem ganhando terreno há algum tempo, praticamente em todas as democracias. Na Grã-Bretanha dos Camarões, Estados Unidos de Obama, assim como na Austrália de Gillard e na Itália de Berlusconi, descobre habilidades de gerência dos órgãos de comunicação e altamente manipulado pela forma agressiva de sensacionalistas e os ciclos de rápida mudança de publicidade em política se tornou rotina “. Mediocracia, Keane diz, é “as teias emaranhadas de volta canais de contactos e relações de poder ocultos que ligam altos cargos políticos e jornalistas do topo...” $OHUW Date: April 12, 2012 Person/ institution: Media Violation/ issues: Legislation The Freedom of Information Bill went through its second reading in Parliament and the proposed law was postponed to be revised as in its current form reportedly lacks merit and dismally fails to achieve what ideally such legislation ought to achieve. The National Director of MISA-Botswana, Phenyo Butale indicated that they are not against the Bill postponement, but strongly believe that reasons given for the postponement are not strong enough and hope it’s not a move to kill the bill. &RPPXQLTXp Date: May 3, 2012 Person/ Institution: Media Violation/ issue: Other MISA Botswana in partnership with Limkokwing University Media Faculty and University of Botswana Media Studies Department led the general public and media in 2012’s commemoration of the world press freedom Day held from the 3rd to the 5th of May 2012. The 3-day started on the 3rd of May with an evening panel discussion. The 6R7KLVLV'HPRFUDF\"