Furtherm ore, the rise of digital m edia has introduced new challenges regarding m edia operations and regulations. According to the study, som e of Zam bia’s cyber law s are considered user-unfriendly and in need of repeal. Bloggers expressed significant concern, w ith over 90% stating that the governm ent is not doing enough to protect digital rights. In term s of m edia and digital freedom , 88% of bloggers felt ha the m edia is only partially free, 6% felt it w as free, and another 6% felt it w as not free. One notable concern raised by respondents w as the governm ent’s increasing control over online content. M any expressed concerns about people being arrested for expressing their view s on social m edia, w ith one respondent stating. “The governm ent is trying to take full control over w hat people post n m edia. M any people are being arrested for expressing their view s online.” Despite the challenges highlighted, a few respondents noted som e reasons for optim ism . Som e pointed to that the Zam bian constitution still includes law s protecting m edia freedom . Others expressed that, to a certain extent, citizens still have the ability to share their view s online, suggesting that there is room for grow th in the digital rights space.