Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.3 (2006: 2.0; 2008: 2.5; 2011: 2.9)

2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent media
In 2011, the government announced the creation of the Media Development
Fund (MDF), with the aim of “improving capacity within the media”. The MDF
has, however, been dogged by controversy, with GH 1 million (USD 455 658,-)
meant for media development and training having allegedly gone missing.
The scandal aside, media practitioners are sceptical of the fund, and feel that
funds might simply go to those who are pro-government. No criteria have
been developed as to which media houses may receive assistance.
“The media landscape is diverse, but there is the question of how to sustain it.”
Government could do more to ensure an economically diverse media landscape
by diversifying its advert placements across various media – private and public – as
they rely on advertising for their survival.
“The law says that advertising by government should be done through state
media, but this needs to be extended to private media too”.
“The Daily Graphic was weaned off government subsidies after 40 years of
government support.”
In the broadcasting sector, some media equipment is tax deductible. Panellists
were not sure whether these waivers were being extended to other media.
Government has communicated its intent to support community radio stations,
and the current administration noted the importance of local stations in its
party manifesto as an important tool for development. “The plan to set up the
community radios might be where there is a clear intent to develop media, but
there is the question of independence once this happens.” In collaboration with



Select target paragraph3