
Circulation (Copies)

Daily Graphic

100 000

Ghanaian Times

80 000

Ghanaian Chronicle

45 000

Daily Guide

22 000

Daily Democrat

5 000

Daily Dispatch

5 000

New Crusading Guide

5 000

Daily Post

5 000

Daily Searchlight

1 500

Radio is the most widely accessed and the most popular media format in Ghana,
with close to 90 percent of the population1 having regular access to this medium.
Ghanaians are able to listen in from their mobile phones, or from radio sets.
Very few radio stations provide their own news, and most simply “cannibalise”
news from newspaper sources. Panellists noted that there are newspapers that
are published solely for broadcast on radio. A newspaper publisher will publish
a paper with a relatively small print run, and distribute that newspaper to radio
stations, which in turn will carry some of those stories in their reportage. The
panelists explained that this happened because people may not afford a
newspaper. The state-owned Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) runs two
national radio stations (Radio 1 and Radio 2). Radio 1 is in English and Ghanaian
vernaculars, and Radio 2 is a commercial service. The state broadcaster also runs
other local services in the different regions, including Accra’s Uniiq FM.
There are 257 licensed FM stations in Ghana. Popular stations include GBC’s
stations, and the privately owned stations: Peace FM, Adom FM, Joy FM, Choice
FM, Space FM, Gold FM and Happy FM.
Ghana has 28 listed individual television stations. The state run GBC operates
Ghana TV (GTV), and has 4 digital channels, including GBC24 and GBC Life. The
Multimedia Group is a single station with about 10 channels, including Joy TV,
Adom TV and Joy News.
According to the most recent data from the National Communications Authority,
there are more than 27 million mobile phone subscribers in Ghana, with MTN and
Vodafone taking the biggest share in terms of subscriptions. This figure would

The World Bank reports that in 2012, Ghana’s population stood at 25.37 million people.



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