SECTOR 1 Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator 3 Country meets some aspects of indicator 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator Average score: 3.6 (2006: 3.7; 2008: 2.5; 2011: 5.0) 1.11 Media legislation evolves from meaningful consultations among state institutions, citizens and interest groups. Consultations take place among state institutions, citizens and interest groups, but whether these consultations are meaningful is questionable. Furthermore, these consultations are often “more reactive than proactive in bringing in all these parties”. The Right to Information (RTI) Bill and the Broadcasting Bill are recent examples where broad consultations have taken place. Consultations on the RTI Bill, however, were only initiated after it was found that the bill that had been proposed before the elections “was a bad bill, and it would be better not to have one than to have that.” The RTI Coalition has been pivotal in “forcing” the bill to be taken to the next level. The RTI Bill is still in progress, so it is too early to assess how these views are taken into consideration. Factors such as the timeframes, the documentation provided before, during and after the process, and the level of communication are areas that require redress in order to make consultations more meaningful. AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER GHANA 2013 25