A letter, drafted and circulated by the NBC Shop Stewards Council on April 10, 2007, highlights
that the salaries of employees have not been adjusted for close to three years. The letter further
states that while promises have been made that there will be an adjustment, staff were left with
no explanation when the time came to implement the salary increases.
The Shop Stewards Council said NBC seems to have an Executive Management team that is
incapable of steering the corporation, adding that notable exceptions are there, but there are no
business and strategic visions at all. The also say there is a huge lack of leadership skills.
In response to the demonstration, MISA Namibia, pointed out that there is a distinct link between the social environment in which journalists work and media freedom. This link has been
recognised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco)
which, at its 2004 General Conference, included the right to decent working conditions as part
of the enabling environment for media freedom and allocated resources to support work in this
area. The Bellagio statement also explicitly recognised this link between living standards and
working conditions to media freedom.
Date: March 20, 2007
Persons: William J. Mbangula
Violation: Threatened

Senior headman of the Onamutayi traditional district, Amon Sheefeni Shipanga threatened
to take unspecified action against New Era journalist, William J. Mbangula for publishing an
article in which Shipanga is alledged to have cheated a widow from Omusheshe village, Rachel
Kakoto, of more than N$50 000 and fellow villager, Nalweendo Margaret Weyulu, of the money
paid by private construction companies mining gravel in their mahangu fields.
Shipanga allegedly warned Mbangula not to publish the article after he was initially approached
for comment, and then after the publication of the article on the March 12, 2007, under the
headline “Senior headman accused of cheating and abuse”, he confronted Mbangula at the
New Era offices in Oshakati.
Shipanga allegedly demanded to know who had complained to the newspaper that he had
received money and how it emerged that other matters related to the traditional issues are
reported in the newspaper. He did not deny the content of the story (allegations against him)
but was only worried about who had leaked the information to the newspaper.
The journalist would not reveal his sources. Shipanga promised “to deal with” Mbangula.
Date: February 21, 2007
Persons: Jonathan Cobra
Violation: Threatened

During the First Session of the Fourth Parliament at National Assembly in Windhoek on
February 21 2007, members of the ruling South West African People’s Organisation (Swapo)
party accused the opposition and independent media of being “disrespectful” towards some
Swapo leaders.
Deputy Health Minister Petrina Haingura claims that she and former President Sam Nujoma
have fallen victim to hostile media, describing the situation as “unhealthy and unpatriotic”.
Haingura strongly feels these are acts of political vilification and demonization of others
through the media.
She also said it is one thing to exercise one’s democratic right to free speech and association
but quite another to transform such right into launching vituperative attacks against fellow
members of the Namibian society.
Expressing the same sentiments, Lands Minister Jerry Ekandjo cited a report of a certain
Jonathan Cobra in South Africa’s Mail & Guardian newspaper. He noted that negative articles on
the “Founding Father of the nation” only appear in the local Windhoek Observer, written by the
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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