be made to face the wrath of the censors over utterances made by responsible and accountable
The Public Relations Officer at the station, Simon Seisa confirmed the censorship but said it
was merely normal editorial discretion of editors.
Date: May 4, 2007
Persons/Institutions: Tsaone Basimanebotlhe and Shingirai Madondo (Botswana
Guardian), Patricia Maganu and Moreri Sejakgomo (Mmegi) and Chengerani Baraedi
(The Voice)
Violation: Beaten

At least one journalist, Tsaone Basimanebotlhe of the Botswana Guardian has laid an assault
charge at the Francistown police station against a woman who allegedly manhandled and prevented her from taking pictures of a suspected robber at the Francistown Magistrate court.
Five journalists, including Basimanebotlhe, were attacked and prevented from carrying out
their duties by a mob suspected to be related to some of the accused in a robbery case that the
journalists were covering on May 4, 2007, in Francistown, Botswana.
Basimanebotlhe told MISA Botswana that they were attending a packed court in which about
ten suspects were arraigned for allegedly robbing old pensioners’ funds. The journalists had
gone outside the courtroom awaiting the suspects in order to photograph them, when suddenly
a group of people blocked their view and physically prevented them from taking pictures.
The other journalists are Patricia Maganu of Mmegi, Moreri Sejakgomo of Mmegi, Shingirai
Madondo of Botswana Guardian and Chengerani Baraedi of The Voice.
Date: February 21, 2007
Persons/Institutions: Panana Ramodikeng
Violation: Beaten

On February 21 2007 Botswana Guardian and Midweek Sun photographer, Panana Ramodikeng,
was assaulted by a Botswana Police official Superintendent Kediagetse Megale, while covering
a court case at Tlokweng Customary Court. In the case, the concerned official's wife accused
his female junior of wrecking her marriage through involvement in a secret sexual relationship
with her husband.
Confirming the incident to MISA Botswana, Ramodikeng said the Superintendent lunged at
her when she took a photograph of the accused female constable.
She said he started chasing her around the courtyard, tripped her and proceeded to slap her on
the cheek as she lay on the ground with her camera slung around her shoulder.
Superintendent Megale then attempted to confiscate the camera but was stopped by a photographer from the Echo newspaper who managed to retrieve it.
Another reporter from the Midweek Sun, Sarah Mophonkolo, confirmed the incident and further
reported that it took place in full view of other Botswana Local Police officers. None of them
aided the journalist.

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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