About MISA
MISA’s Mission, Vision and Values
The mission of MISA is to play a leading role in creating an environment of media freedom
that promotes independence, pluralism and diversity of views and opinions, sustainability and
competency. In dealing with these elements, MISA will ensure that gender-specific needs form
an integral part of all activities. MISA aims to create an environment in which civil society
is empowered to claim information and access to it as unalienable rights and in which - the
resultant freer information flow strengthens democracy by enabling more informed citizen

MISA will work:
n To create and maintain a media environment in which there is transparency,
accountability, independence, pluralism and diversity;
n To improve the skills base and professionalism among media workers;
n To promote and facilitate more effective use of and access to the media by all sectors of
n To develop and maintain an environment conducive to relevant and effective advocacy
campaigns on media freedom issues and media violations on an international, regional,
national and local basis;
n To deliver timely, comprehensive and accurate information on media freedom issues and
violations; and
n To exercise its functions in an efficient, cost effective and transparent manner, with full
participation of all stakeholders.
MISA’s vision is of a Southern African region in which the media enjoys freedom of expression, independence from political, economic and commercial interests, pluralism of views and
opinions. Our vision is of a region where members of society, individually or collectively are
free to express themselves through any media of their choice without hindrance of any kind.
Access to information must be unhindered
This environment will be characterised by:
n A media that is free, independent, diverse and pluralistic.
n Access to the media and information by all sectors of society.
n Media workers who are competent, critical, accountable, sensitive to gender issues and
aware of their responsibility to society.
n Legislation, regulations and policy environments that support media independence,
diversity and pluralism.
n Citizens in the SADC region are empowered to claim information as a basic right.
The mission and vision of MISA are based on values that seek to:
n Advance the aims and objectives of the Windhoek Declaration of 1991 and the African
Charter on Broadcasting of 2001;
n Promote a self reliant, non-partisan and independent media that informs, empowers,
educates and entertains;
n Nurture media freedom in an ethical, competent and professional media environment;
n Strengthen and support the development of a vibrant and participatory media sector;
n Lobby for access to information in order to enhance transparency and citizen participation
in government, judiciary and legislative issues; and
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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