
Local or regional independent news agencies gather and
distribute information for all media.

There are no local or regional news agencies of any significance operating in Zambia. The
Zambia News Agency (ZANA), now incorporated into the Zambia News and Information
Services (ZANIS), is wholly owned and funded by government.
Individual scores:
Average score:


1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
1.1 (2005 = 1.3)

Media diversity is promoted through adequate competition

In theory, the Fair Practices Act which is enforced by the Zambia Competition Commission
provides for adequate competition and generally proscribes monopolies. However, the Competition Commission lacks the capacity to deal with the specific issue of media diversity, given
that the current competition law does not provide any guidelines on ownership structures and
promotion of media diversity. The IBA/ZNBC Acts sought to enhance media diversity as they
provide for independent boards with the mandate to promote just that. But their non-implementation means that this objective has so far not been met.
Individual scores:
Average score:


1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1
2.0 (2005 = 2.1)

Government promotes a political and economic environment
which allows for a diverse media landscape.

The Fifth National Development Plan (2006-2010) which was also endorsed by the international
donor community seeks to promote growth of private media and envisages the creation of a
Media Development Fund by 2007. The fact that this part of the plan has not been implemented
yet seems to conform with the common pattern of a disconnect between official policies and
actual deeds of government.
All materials for the production of newspapers need to be imported – from newsprint to ink.
High import duties and taxes impact adversely on media diversity. Government, however,
has reduced import duties on computers and does not impede private investment in the media
industry in any way. Further, through the Ministry of Communications, it has provided office
space and technical expertise to the RANET (Radio & Internet) programme which the government as well as local and international NGOs use to procure and distribute communication
equipment to up-coming community radio stations and local communities.
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3