News content on Swazi TV is similarly skewed toward government interests and stories about
the king always get preference. If footage of the king comes in too late to be allocated the top
story, the presenter will have to explain on air why the story was not given priority.
Individual scores:
Average score:

3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2

3.12 The public broadcaster offers as much diverse and creative local
content as economically achievable.
SBIS radio offers a wealth of local content on both channels. Local content on Swazi TV,
however, is still very limited, although there has been a slight increase in domestic production
in the last two years. New programmes include a show on siSwati praise names, an interview
programme and programmes promoting local musicians. But resources are scarce, so the quality of production is poor.
Individual scores:
Average score:

2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3

Overall score for sector 3: 1.9 (2005 = 1.8)

Sector 4: The media practice high levels of professional

The media follow voluntary codes of professional standards, which
are enforced by self-regulatory bodies.

The media has adopted a code of ethics developed by the Swaziland National Association of
Journalists (SNAJ), but there are no self-regulatory bodies to monitor adherence and awareness
and understanding of the code in newsrooms is scant.
Efforts to establish a self-regulatory mechanism for the print media were kick-started 10 years
ago, but there is still no functioning complaints commission.
The fifth attempt to launch the Media Complaints Commission (MCC) was carried out early
in 2007 after the media categorically rejected the government’s Media Commission Draft Bill
2007. The bill is the government’s second attempt to introduce statutory regulation.
Failure to establish the MCC in the past was partly due to a lack of commitment from the
broadcasters who were insisting on a separate regulatory body. Now that the government has
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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