
The lack of transparency, poor fiscal management and governance at the NBC,
as well as the escalating debt of the state broadcaster.


Continuing under-investment in human resource development within the media. Very
few, if any, privately initiated training programmes for journalists exist.


The failure to set up an independent broadcasting complaints commission.


The fact that NCC commissioners lack an understanding of media issues.


The over-commercialisation of the NBC, which results in the state-funded
broadcaster neglecting its public mandate to inform, educate and entertain.


The continued lack of access to the media in rural areas, and the absence of true
community radio stations in local languages and in rural areas.


Poor gender mainstreaming.


While it has improved since 2005, the amount of local content is still insufficient on
local television and radio stations.

The main drivers or actors for positive developments

The perception of a change of attitude by government and an improved political
climate have made it possible to discuss media issues more openly. The democratic
culture in general has become more consultative, as a result of President Pohamba’s
more inclusive approach.


Increased competition, which drives development.


Journalists who report without fear or favour.


The judiciary, which has helped to protect the rights of the media.


Young people making use of improved technology to create new publications and
disseminate information.


The National Society for Human Rights has been very active in terms of freedom of
expression and human rights. Increasingly, MISA Namibia should be taking the lead
in this regard.


Informanté - for having “shaken things up”.


Civil society, with regard to the public outcry that led to the NBC ‘Chat Show’
being reinstated.

Some of the possible obstacles for further positive change

While President Pohamba promises a new climate of openness and inclusiveness, in
reality the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Nandi-Ndaitwah, possibly as a
result of her also holding the position of Secretary-General for Information in the

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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