Individual scores: 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2
Average score: 2.9 (2005 = 3.0)


Salary levels and general working conditions for journalists and
other media practitioners are adequate to discourage corruption.

Generally, Namibian journalists working in private media are earning good, industry-related
salaries compared to many neighbouring countries, with senior journalists getting about N$14
000 a month.
Informanté managed to poach a number of good journalists from other newspapers by increasing
their salaries – some now earn up to N$22 000 pre-tax. Junior journalists and those working in
the state media, however, receive much less. Journalists with the NBC, for example, get N$8
000 but have a better package overall. NBC staff recently went on strike as a result of having
had no increase for three years. “There have been quite a few cases of corruption at the NBC,
but I am not sure if there is a link to lower salaries.”
’Brown envelope journalism’ as practised in other countries, where journalists get paid for
following external directives about how to cover a particular story, is fortunately still unknown
in Namibia.
Individual scores: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3
Average score: 3.1 (2005 = 3.6)


Training facilities offer formal qualification programmes for
journalists as well as opportunities to upgrade their skills.

The University of Namibia (UNAM) offers a four-year, full-time degree in media studies as
well as a two-year diploma in information studies. The Polytechnic of Namibia offers a threeyear part–time diploma in media studies. The Media Arts and Technology Studies department
of the College of the Arts offers a three-year Applied Arts Diploma, with a focus on electronic
While employees of the NBC used to have access to free training, this is no longer the case
and the training department is closed.
At Namibian tertiary institutions, there are no specialised and officially recognised courses
for practising journalists to develop their skills further, for instance in photojournalism or
environmental reporting. It was felt that there is a need for independent, professional training
for working journalists.
A point was raised that there is a lack of media text on Namibia. “Training institutions are not
creating an environment where Namibian journalists can do additional research on Namibia,
for a Masters degree, for example.”

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3