At no point during the ‘Chat Show’ controversy did the board issue a comment. The panel
agreed that the NBC board is clearly very weak, divided and not independent, as it did not
protect the DG.
This incident demonstrated the fact that civil society does indeed have power and can rise up
to effect change. It also showed the lack of proper training of NBC presenters and talk show
hosts, many of whom are young and inexperienced. “To expose a young person [on air] with
no delay device, no producer, to political callers ... it’s a recipe for disaster.”
It is worth noting that the same day that the NBC ‘Chat Show’ was curtailed, commercial station Radio 99 launched its own chat show.
There was the impression among the panellists that this healthy competition may have been a
factor in the NBC show being brought back on air as before.
Individual scores: 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1
Average score: 1.2 (2005 = 1.0)


Persons who have vested interests of a political or commercial
nature are excluded from possible membership in the board, i.e.
office bearers with state and political parties as well as those with
a financial interest in the broadcasting industry.

The board of the NBC does not include any members with commercial interests. It is not
known whether there are any office bearers with the state or political parties among them but
the mere fact that all appointments are made by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting
is an indicator that the board is not free from political influence.
There was consensus among the panelists that all NBC board members are SWAPO supporters. The appointment of board members is related to their political affiliation rather than the
intention to bring about a diversity of skills in, for example, broadcasting, economics and civil
society issues.
Individual score: 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1
Average score: 1.6 (2005 = 1.9)


The editorial independence of the public broadcaster from
commercial pressure and political influence is guaranteed by law
and practiced.

The NBC Act does not make any reference to an editorial policy. While the NCC Act refers
to good journalistic practice and provides a list of professional standards and requirements,
this does not apply to the NBC as it is a separate statutory body. It is worth noting that the
draft Communications Bill aims to bring the NBC under the overall broadcasting regulatory
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3