Individual scores: 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2,
Average score: 2.2 (2005 = 2.3)


The editorial independence of print media published by a
public authority is protected adequately against undue
political interference.

Both New Era and the Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA) receive state funds and have boards
appointed solely by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting. It is apparent that the state
can and does interfere in the editorial independence of New Era. For example, D’aoud Vries,
news editor of New Era, was suspended and subsequently fired after a politically inflammatory
letter was published in the daily newspaper. “The government didn’t like what was published
so he lost his job.”
However, New Era has also demonstrated some surprising editorial independence over the past
two years by publishing reports critical of the state. For example when the government curtailed
the NBC English radio Chat Show (see indicator 3.5) a few days before World Press Freedom
Day on May 3 2007, the New Era published a vicious attack on government’s action.
It was noted that the government might not interfere in New Era because most of the newspaper’s
reporters are Otjiherero-speaking and hardly any speak Oshiwambo. “The Owambo are more
sensitive and prone to self-censorship. The Herero, it seems, speak more freely.”
There is an impression that there is no editorial interference from government in NAMPA, and
that the local news agency does not practice self-censorship. This is because NAMPA has been
known to carry reports critical of government. It was mentioned that this might be a question
of incompetence or a result of capacity constraints, rather than official policy.
Individual scores: 4, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3
Average score: 2.7 (2005 = 1.8)


Local or regional independent news agencies gather and
distribute information for all media.

The Echoes specialised feature service of the Polytechnic of Namibia continues to operate,
particularly through commissions. During the 2005 elections these student journalists produced
“some of the best ever electoral coverage”, published in the daily newspapers. Echoes has been
negotiating with NAMPA to include its stories in the news service for distribution to all media
houses, but the outcome of these negotiations is not known.
Concern was raised that there is no independent radio news service that collects local news
for commercial radio stations. It was noted that community radio is more progressive in this
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3