
There is an urgent need to enlarge the notion of Press Freedom, eliminating the
existing confusion on what is allowed but is not authorized;


The access to sources of an administrative nature should be legislated;


In the broadcasting sector, there should be clear distinction between what is a public
service and what are the commercial and community radios;


The process to nominate leaders to the public broadcasting services (Rádio Mozambique
– RM – and Television Mozambique – TVM – should be democratized in order for
such public services to become independent;


The journalist profession should create simple but efficient mechanisms of supervision
for ethical and deontological principles.

The panel meeting took place on Inhaca Island from 21 to 22 July 2007.
The Panel:
Salomão Moyana, Fernando Lima, Eduardo Sitoe, Alberto Tomás, Abdul Carimo Sau,
Egídio Vaz, Joana Macie, Alexandre Chiúre, João Nobre, Sérgio Mamudo
The Rapporteur: Ericino de Salema
The Facilitator:

Fernando Gonçalves


Rolf Paasch

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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