new water wells; they clearly show lack of knowledge regarding the concept that peoples’
awareness can only be effectively done with the help and usage of the media.
The situation is of such concern that even the Human Rights League (LDH), one of the most
prominent civil society organisations in Mozambique, does not use correctly and effectively
the media to create awareness among the people about what human rights are. The very few
times that the Mozambican civil society organisations call a press conference, it becomes clear
that their own leaders want to “call the attention of the public upon themselves” most of the
times with futilities and vanities that have little news value and public interest.
On the occasion of the “Mabáruè case”, in May 2006, only MISA-Mozambique took a public
position, thus suggesting that for all the other civil society organisations, questions linked to
the Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom are simply not relevant.
Individual scores: 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 2; 1; 1; 1; 1
Average score: 1.1

Overall Sector Score: 3.1

Sector II: The media landscape is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.

A wide range of sources of information (print, broadcasting, internet)
is available and affordable to citizens.

There are information sources but they are not accessible. Some people with financial power
are unfamiliar with and neglect media reports due to a lack of culture of information. Access
to radio is reasonable. In territorial terms, radio, especially in the evening, covers the whole
territory. However in terms of listenership it reaches about 90% of the population. Television
covers about 70% of the territory and about 50% of the population. The newspaper readership
is not wider than 2.5% of the population. Access to Internet is even smaller!
It is important to note that access to the media does not necessarily mean access to information.
For instance, those that do not have a TV set in their homes go to their neighbours’ houses on
time to watch TV soap serials but not news programmes. Public media organisations should
have the obligation of supplying a lot of information of public interest.
Individual scores: 3; 2; 3; 2; 3; 2; 2; 3; 2; 3
Average score: 2.5


Citizens’ access to domestic and international media sources is not
restricted by state authorities.

There are no restrictions against both domestic and international media in Mozambique.
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3