
Media-owners and editors are not pro-active, not interested in media reforms, even
too scared to get involved in debates on media issues.


There is a lack of commitment to develop indigenous language media. Given that
most media owners are afraid of taking the high risks involved in such an endeavour,
the support of donors might be required – similar to what they did in the past to
foster change in relation to media diversity and pluralism.


Local language broadcasting might be negatively affected by the tendency of the youth
to prefer English over indigenous languages.


Language rights are not respected in Botswana but they are important for nation
building and long-term peace.


Media organizations are disorganized and there is poor commitment to professional
development and growth.


AIDS is killing capable and trained media personnel and reducing the number of
buyers of media products.

Some of the activities needed over the next few years

The NBB should do more to sensitize the public on its work and to act more
independently and proactively.


MISA and other civic groups should intensify lobbying of the various authorities
against unfavourable laws and policies.


MISA should take the lead in making citizens aware of the benefits of community
radios and the establishment of a true public broadcaster.


More test cases should be brought to court so that media law in the country can be
developed further.


The University of Botswana should introduce a community radio station and use this
as a test case for the roll-out of community broadcasting to the rest of the country.
The panel meeting took place at the Cumberland Hotel, Lobatse from 17 to 18 March
The Panel:
Dr. Tachilisa Balule, law lecturer; Ms Seatlholo Tumedi, English lecturer; Ms. Beata Kasale, publisher; Mr. Modise Maphanyane, media activist; Ms Felicitus Mashungwa,
journalist; Ms Tholoana Phooko, attorney; Mr. Solomon Monyame, producer; Dr.
Masego Ayo Mpotokwane, lecturer - environmental science; Mr Methaetsile Leepile,
media consultant
The Rapporteur: Mr. Sechele Sechele
The Facilitator:

Mr. Hendrik Bussiek

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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