gender criteria for media coverage and has had several articles and adverts removed.
• In Malawi the fledgling regulator has used the opportunity to test the complaints
mechanism, gender is being mainstreamed in their criteria.
• In South Africa many community groups have begun to raise complaints and alerts.
Below are some examples of alerts and complaints processed in 2007:
Botswana Alert
14 June 2007
Cartoon demeans women aspiring for leadership positions

The GEMSA Botswana Chapter and the Botswana Media Women Association (BOMWA) have
noted with alarm the cartoon that appeared in the Monitor Newspaper of May 28, 2007. The
cartoon, titled BNF Congress, supposedly depicted the Botswana National Front aspirant for
Party Presidency, Kathleen Letshabo, at its Congress being castrated and bleeding.
GEMSA and BOMWA are deeply disturbed by the cartoon, which they find in bad taste, and
more importantly, displays the insensitivity on the part of the cartoonist and Mmegi newspaper
in which it is published. The message implied by the cartoon has the effect of degrading and
ridiculing women who aspire for leadership positions in the political arena.
The depiction of the cartoon defeats the purpose of democracy that in every election, there are
winners and losers, and Letshabo is not immune to a defeat of this nature. In Botswana, male
candidates have lost in similar circumstances, but they have not been shown as ‘bleeding bulls
being castrated’. The cartoon did not only insult Letshabo but also showed little regard for all
women that have ambitions to aspire for leadership positions in both the political realm and
any sector of the economy. We wish to condemn this in the strongest terms.
In this regard, we call upon the leadership of Mmegi to respond to our concern, and in future
display more sensitivity in their selection of what to publish. Such a gross violation of the rights
and dignity of women cannot be justified on the basis of humour or satire.
We further call upon all media organisations, human rights and gender - based organisations to
strongly condemn such depiction of female leaders who have the desire to make a contribution
to the leadership of the nation.
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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