
Civil society in general and media lobby groups actively advance the
cause of media freedom.

The Botswana Council of NGOs (BOCONGO), some Members of Parliament and faith-based
organizations (FBOs) have been supportive of this cause but they merely represent the elite
and urban-based members of society. Ordinary people in the rural areas and at the grassroots
are more interested in basic needs critical for their survival. It is the responsibility of the media
to woo the grassroots to this cause.
There has been a change in attitude over recent years, though, also on the part of government,
with a line ministry that deals with the media now in place. Government has become more
receptive to ideas coming from the private media. There is a relatively more constructive working relationship between the two and relations are no longer confrontational and hostile. But
change takes time and patience for it to evolve and take root. MISA and BOCONGO should
be credited for that.
Botswana’s civil society organizations should do more to mobilize and lobby together and
not leave MISA Botswana solely responsible for fighting for freedom of expression and the
freedom of the media in the country.
There is also still concern over the fact that civil society organizations in the country have become
more of ‘government NGOs’, since most of them are now indeed funded by the government,
following the exodus of traditional NGO-funders after Botswana was declared a middle-income
country in 1994 by the international community. There is a danger of government funding being
used to bring about censorship and political control and the line between public influence and
government interference being blurred. Truly independent civil society bodies are needed to
ensure the continued institutionalization of democracy and good governance.
Individual scores:
Average score:

2, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2
(2005 = 2.4)


(2005 = 2.2)

Sector 2: The media landscape is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability.

A wide range of sources of information (print, broadcasting,
internet) is available and affordable to citizens.

There is no longer any vernacular language newspaper in the country as the only previously
existing one (Mokgosi), closed shop at the end of 2005 after operating for three years. The
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3