Date: May 17, 2007
Persons: Boldwin Hungwe
Violation: Threatened

Boldwin Hungwe a photographer with The Standard newspaper was reportedly summoned to
Harare Central Police Station by a police officer who identified himself as Inspector Chinembiri in connection with a photograph he took of a battered and bruised Beatrice. In its Sunday
edition, the paper published pictures of attorney Beatrice Mtetwa severely injured after she
was abducted and tortured by police. The security forces broke up a gathering of lawyers in
Harare the previous week. According to sources, after the photo was published the police called
Hungwe and told him to turn himself in at the police station. It is alleged that the police officer
claimed that the photograph was in violation of the Public Order and Security Act.
Date: May 10, 2007
Persons: Associated Newspapers of Zimbabwe (AN)
Violation: Censored

High Court judge Justice Anne-Mary Gowore dismissed and application by ANZ in which they
were seeking an order to be duly licensed.
Update - August 9, 2007: The government reported agreed to appoint a special committee to
deal with ANZ’s application to be licensed and resume publication in terms of the restrictive
Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA).
Date: May 8, 2007
Persons: Beatrice Mtetwa, Chris Mhike, Colin Kuhini, and Terence Fitzpatrick
Violation: Other

On May 8 2007, Zimbabwean human rights lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa and three other attorneys,
were severely beaten by police.
Mtetwa, president of the Law Society of Zimbabwe, suffered bruises on her back, arms, and
legs after police in Harare beat her and three colleagues with rubber clubs for several minutes.
The four attorneys were forced to lie face down before being beaten, said Mtetwa, who was
treated at a local hospital and released later that day.
The four lawyers, dressed in professional robes, had been forced into a police truck and driven
to an open area in Harare’s outskirts after officers broke up a protest of more than 60 lawyers
outside Zimbabwe’s High Court. The lawyers were gathering to present the justice minister with
a petition protesting the treatment of two colleagues arrested the previous week. The two arrested
lawyers were challenging the government’s detention of several opposition officials accused of
involvement in bomb attacks after a police crackdown on the opposition in March.
Also injured in the beating were lawyers Chris Mhike, Colin Kuhini, and Terence Fitzpatrick.
Date: March 31, 2007
Persons: Edward Chikombo
Violation: Killed

Edward Chikombo, a part-time cameraman for Zimbabwe state broadcaster ZBC, was abducted
from his home by armed men in the Glenview township outside Harare on March 29, 2007.
His body was found two days later (March 31) near Darwendale, 80 kilometres west of the
Chikombo was suspected of having leaked footage to the international press of brutally beaten
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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