the assault of Tsvangirai Mukwa and the continued harassment, unlawful arrests and detention
of journalists in Zimbabwe.
Date: December 18, 2007
Persons: Media in Zimbabwe
Violation: Legislation (threatening legislation)

The proposed amendments to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA),
the Public Order and Security Act (POSA) and the Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) gazetted
on December 14, 2007, were fast tracked through Parliament on December 18, 2007, without
any meaningful debate on the contentious provisions of the enabling Bills.
All the Bills which included the Electoral Laws Amendment Bill were passed without being
referred to the relevant portfolio committees as required by the Standing Rules and Orders
of Parliament. The Bills were sanctioned by the two opposition factions of the MDC and the
ruling Zanu PF during the SADC-initiated talks mediated by South African President Thabo
St Marys Member of Parliament Job Sikhala expressed his strong reservations on the quality
of the Bills noting that the requirement under AIPPA for journalists and mass media service
providers to register with the proposed Zimbabwe Media Commission was not justified in a
democratic society. Sikhala said journalists as is the case with all other professions should
regulate themselves.
Date: December 5, 2007
Persons: Bright Chibvuri
Violation: Censored

The trial of Bright Chibvuri, editor of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions’ The Worker
magazine charged under the repressive Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act
(AIPPA) which had been set to continue on December 5, 2007, has again been postponed due
to the ongoing strike by magistrates.
Resumption of the trial has now been set for January 31, 2008. Chibvuri’s trial was postponed
indefinitely on November 5, 2007, following a countrywide strike by magistrates.
Chibvuri who was arrested in Plumtree on March 3, 2007, spent two nights in police custody
and was only released on March 5, 2007, when he appeared before a Plumtree magistrate
on charges of contravening Section 83 of AIPPA which penalises the practice of journalism
without accreditation.
At the time of his arrest, Chibvuri had already applied for accreditation but had not received
a response from the Media and Information Commission (MIC). He has since been duly accredited.
Date: November 21, 2007
Persons: John Nyashanu, two freelance journalists
Violation: Beaten, censored

On November 21 2007, SABC correspondent John Nyashanu and two other freelance journalists
were harassed by rowdy youths outside the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party
offices in Harare amid reports that one of them was slapped during the melee.
Nyashanu confirmed to MISA Zimbabwe that he had been subjected to all manner of insults and
abuse by the youths who barred him from covering a march by the party’s national women’s
assembly who had converged at the party headquarters seeking audience with MDC leader
Morgan Tsvangirai.
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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