to engage in collecting and submitting information on crimes in the region to the Inspector
General of Police (IGP), Said Mwema, and Director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Robert
Manumba, is endangered.
The group faced the wrath of the Regional Commissioner for Mbeya, Mr. John Mwakipesile,
who summoned representatives of the group to his office and warned them against continuing
their activities of informing Mwema.
The Commissioner alleged that the acts of disclosing information by the said elders without
following the available bureaucracy damages the credibility of the region especially when the
information is disclosed before undertaking sufficient investigation.
The Commissioner issued the warning to the elders following information that was reported
by them to DCI on crimes in the region, which information had included some policemen and
public officials in criminal acts.
On his part, the Commissioner alleged that regional authorities did not recognise the said
group of elders.
The elders were reporting crimes to the respective authorities following directives by President
Jakaya Kikwete who had asked citizens to collaborate with their government in combating
crimes by reporting such acts to him personally or to the respective leaders.
The group is said to have 160,000 elders in Mbeya region.
Date: February 6, 2007
Persons: HakiElimu
Violation: Victory

The government of Tanzania has removed bans placed on HakiElimu, a civil society organisation working on the transformation of public education in Tanzania, following a meeting
between the Prime Minister of Tanzania, various ministers of the Government and HakiElimu
on February 6, 2007.
The ban followed the HakiElimu’s publishing, in August 2005, of a report criticising government
primary education reform efforts. The Ministry of Education and Culture accused HakiElimu
of “disparaging the image of our education system and the teaching profession of our country
through [the] media.”
HakiElimu will be able to continue with its activities without undue restrictions.

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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