The year saw the re-emergence of the Editors Forum, and the Association of Editors and Senior
Journalists and Nile Basin Media Network, an association that stands to promote the interests
of regional integration of the riparian countries.
The Government says it encourages associations because it wants to work with a strong media.
Unfortunately, the Government notes, most associations are donor driven. It was therefore, the
view of the Government that media associations should cut themselves into smaller units and
build strong coalitions to pursue their interests with one forceful voice.
The media fraternity remained underdeveloped in terms of poor remuneration and limited opportunities of manpower development. Media owners delight in employing correspondents so
that they can manipulate them for meagre pay. With no training package in place, the gap for
skilled manpower will widen.
Media institutions are mushrooming. Pronounced, manpower development remains a key
challenge that has to be addressed for a considerable duration.

The media in Tanzania has a number of challenges to overcome as a matter of urgency. Manpower development remains key, but support of investment efforts by media owners needs
special attention. Facilities to support media equipment, investigative journalism and other
specializations are necessary if the media in the country has to catch up with those in neighbouring countries and the SADC region.
Media owners should have clearly defined contracts for media practitioners and refrain from
holding them as correspondents indefinitely. This is where the Government should come in and
invest heavily to train its people. Accompanying the President is vital, but the costs should be
met by their institutions. Cases where the government meets the costs of journalists should be
equally exposed as acts of corruption.
We are full of hope for the future. Hope of a new legislation and of Government support for
training and manpower development.

So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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