Society continued to meet for various strategic decisions. Such meetings culminated in the
drafting of this bill.
The Media Services Bill 2008 was officially launched for debate on November 23, 2007. Further
consultations were slated for early 2008 for more input from the public and stakeholders.
Both these bills are likely to be presented in Parliament in 2008.

No changes were made to the Constitution in 2007. Once the Right to Information Bill is passed
in Parliament in 2008, the Constitution might need amendments to accommodate the proposed
guarantee freedom of expression, including freedom of scientific research.

Other legislation
The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) Act in 2007 inter alia provided
for a clause prohibiting journalists and other sections of the media to report and publish corruption cases under investigation. The Media Owners Association and other stakeholders strongly
objected to this legislation, and so far little has been made to amend the distasteful clause.

Defamation is contained in the Newspaper Act of 1976. Current consultations among stakeholders suggest that defamation should be dealt with separately from media laws.
However, the Media Council of Tanzania, continued with its adjudication of different cases
within the media fraternity. During the year under review, eight cases were filed by members
of the public against various media institutions. They ranged from defamation and plagiarism
to right of reply. The Council’s Ethics Committee met twice to deliberate and decide on three
complaints that were referred to it.
A photo journalist with Mwananchi Publications, Mpoki Bukuku, sought remedies through
the Council when Willy Edward of Business Times Limited published photographs by the
former in Dar Leo and Majira on the front page without permission or crediting them. The
matter was adjudicated by requiring Dar Leo and Majira to publish an apology on the first page
for publishing Bukuku’s photograph without his permission. Edward, on the other hand, was
asked to write a personal letter of apology to Mr. Bukuku for taking his photographs without
permission and causing them to be published under his by-line.
Business Times Limited publishers of Dar Leo and Majira were asked to negotiate with Mwananchi Publications limited publishers of Mwananchi and The Citizen on compensation, and
inform the Council accordingly. The respondents complied.
One tabloid was brought before the council for defaming Mr. Taji Liundi, a Commissioner
with Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS). Mr Liundi was complaining against a story
written in the Kiu newspaper of October 26-28 with the headline “Taji Liundi ni Fuska”(Liundi
is the ‘flirting’ type).
The story in Kiu alleged that the complainant had been teaching girls as young as 14 on sexual
matters in public. The story quoted a single source, a woman who claimed that her child attended
one of Mr. Liundi’s ‘tutorials’. The newspaper thus condemned the complainant for his immoral
So This Is Democracy? 2007


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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