
The public broadcaster is accountable to the public through
a board representative of society at large and selected in 		
an independent, open and transparent manner.

The Board of Directors of the Public broadcasters is appointed by
the Government according to a criterion that was never revealed to
the public. These Boards did not represent ever the Mozambican Society. There is only one of its members that is elected by the workers, but the efficacy of such person in the protection of the workers’
interests it is often very weak. Although legally the public broadcasting services are public entities, the way in which their Board of
Executives are appointed based in the discretionary powers of the
government, effectively transform them in state organs.
Individual scores: 			

1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1

Average score: 			



Persons who have vested interests of a political or commercial nature are excluded from possible membership in the 		
board, i.e. office bearers with state and political parties as
well as those with a financial interest in the broad casting 		

At the moment it is not possible to guarantee this because the model
used is problematic, and in fact the members of the Board of Directors become “hostages” of the government through the Lady Prime
Minister who is responsible for the nomination of the Chair Persons
of such Boards. The government, and not the National Parliament,
also maintains its control over the Board through financing, which is
guaranteed through contracted programmes that the public service
enter with the government. (N.T. – these programmes are commissioned by the government to the public services and contracts are
signed for their delivery and broadcasting, thus guaranteeing the

African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007

Select target paragraph3