general, a certain diversification in placing State advertisements in
almost all media is visible, although there is a predominance of advertising in the “Notícias” newspaper given the perception of many
of government leaders that that is the largest newspaper with the
widest readership.
Individual scores: 			

5; 5; 5; 4; 5; 5; 4; 4; 5; 5

Average score: 			


2.13. The advertising market is large enough to maintain a diver-		
sity of media outlets.
On the side of the companies and entrepreneurs that operate in Mozambique there is no advertising culture. When the companies and
managers advertise their products and services in the media they
think they doing that for charity. With the new Procurement law,
advertising in the media is increasing but it is not correct to say that
the advertising market is sufficiently large to maintain the diversity
of the media environment. The “Notícias” newspaper continues to
benefit from the largest share of advertising in the market.
Individual scores: 			

1; 2; 2; 1; 2; 2; 2; 1; 1; 1

Average score: 			


Average score Sector II: 		


African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007			


Select target paragraph3