Sector I:
Freedom of expression, including freedom of the 		
media, are effectively protected and promoted

Freedom of expression, including freedom of the media, is 		
guaranteed in the constitution and protected 				
by other pieces of legislation.

Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom are enshrined in the
Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique, specifically through its
Article 48. Such freedoms are effectively promoted and guaranteed
by the Law Nr. 18/91 of 10 August, generally known as Media Law
(Press Law).
Individual scores: 		

5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 5; 4; 3; 5; 5

Average score: 		



The right to freedom of expression is practiced and 			
citizens, including journalists, are asserting their 			
rights without fear.

Fear depends on each person given the fact that there is nothing to
impede the exercise of the above right. The environment in which
one operates is effectively democratic. Even in journalistic circles,
where there are those clearly stating that they do have fear, one
observes that such fear is related to expectations by specific media
professionals. However, in practice and objectively, nothing exists
that could raise fear.
As one moves away from the country’s capital, Maputo city, one observes the clear existence of some indications and symptoms of fear
among media practitioners, due to the lack of respect for Media
Freedom (Press Freedom) by certain politicians. A journalist working in Quelimane, Zambézia’s Provincial Capital, was dismissed from
his position as head of a government media organisation for refusing

African Media Barometer - Mozambique 2007

Select target paragraph3