8 October
George Charamba, Information
Media and Broadcasting Services
Permanent Secretary warned on
ZTV that the government could resort to administering ”unpalatable
instruments” to reign in the media
deemed to be unprofessional.

16 October
Justin Mutenda, photographer with
The Herald was stripped naked by
a female security officer at Harare
International Airport while covering the departure of the national
cricket team for Bangladesh.

17 October
First Lady Grace Mugabe threatened journalists working for Daily
News and Newsday and demanded they identify themselves during a rally at Rudhaka Stadium in

22 October
Tapiwa Zivira, online reporter with
NewsDay. assaulted and detained
for four hours by police in Harare
while recording video footage of a
police blitz against touts operating
in the central business district.

22 October
Journalist Wilson Maphosa, arrested by police in the southern town
of Masvingo at Roy business centre while taking pictures of houses
that had allegedly been burnt by
the police.

1 December
Daily News and Zimbabwe Mail
journalists barred from covering
President Robert Mugabe’s briefing after his meeting with security
chiefs at Zanu PF headquarters in
According to the Daily News issue
of 1 December 2014, state-controlled media - The Herald, ZBC,
Star FM, and the privately owned
ZiFM, were allowed to cover the
briefing during the ongoing Zanu
PF congress.

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