Zimbabwe 2014 violations & victories
20 February
Harare businessman holds a gun
to Phillimon Mhlanga, Financial
Gazette business reporter during a
meeting to discuss a story.

24 February
How Mine Football coach Philani
Ncube stormed the Southern Eye
newspaper’s offices in Bulawayo
and threatened the publication for
revealing his team was failing to
honour a $250 debt.

16 March

Standard Weekly Newspaper
barred from covering the eviction
of more than 300 people from
Spelenken Farm , Mazowe, Mashonaland Central Province.

7 April

Stanley Gama and Fungai Kwaramba, editor and senior reporter
with Daily News, arrested in connection with stories linking businessman Kamal Khalfan to underhand deals in Zimbabwe.

24 April

James Muonwa, editor-in-chief
with the Western Star convicted
of operating a mass media house
without a valid licence in contravention of Section 72 of AIPPA.

3 May
World Press Freedom Day March
Police banned a Media Alliance
of Zimbabwe coordinated World
Press Freedom Day march in Harare.

18 May
The Broadcasting Authority of
Zimbabwe threatened to cancel
State-controlled StarFM and privately owned ZiFM radio stations
licences for failing to comply with
operating requirements to install
24 transmitters countrywide.

19 May

Municipality delayed an Information and Media
Panel of Inquiry outreach meeting
at Huruyadzo Community Hall alleging the meeting had not been
cleared by the police.

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