Tanzania 2014 violations & victories
29 January
New Habari Managing Editor, Absalom Kibanda; former Managing
Editor for Mwananchi Communications Ltd, Theophil Makunga;
and former Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema)’s
Arusha Regional Chair Samson
Mwigamba acquitted of sedition
charges due to lack of evidence.


Journalist Frank Leonard arrested
for allegedly taking photos during a case in progress – he said
he had not been taking photos but
was trying to switch off his mobile


Police summoned Managing Editor of daily newspaper, NIPASHE,
Jesse Kwayu and Managing Director of Guardian Limited, Kiondo
Mshana, for questioning over stories alleging corruption amongst
local motorcycle patrol police.


The Judiciary of Tanzania organised the Judicial Media Forum in
Dar es Salaam bringing members
of almost every major and small
media outlet together with representatives from the Judiciary to
discuss how to improve their relationship with each other.

18 September

Police attacked journalists attempting to cover a story involving
the Chairman of Tanzania’s main
opposition party. Joseph Isango, a
journalist with Tanzania Daima;
Yusuf Badi, a photographer with
state owned newspaper, The Daily
News; and journalist Shamimu
Ausi of the local weekly paper
Hoja, all sustained serious injuries.

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