manding to know what were the government plans in relation to this issue,
information is still lacking.
The government admitted in December
2014 that the migration process was
delayed, and that under such circumstances Mozambique would not be able
to meet the ITU deadline. The solution,
therefore, was to enter into agreements
with neighbouring countries so that
there would no interference along the
border districts.
This delay is mainly the result of the
government of Mozambique not having been able to secure the necessary
funding from China, which is partnering
with the government of Mozambique
for the implementation of the digitalisation process. In addition to that, there
seem to be no specific plans or policies
to ensure the involvement of the private
sector, which has systematically been
complaining of being excluded in the
There have also been delays in the setting up of the regulatory framework
regarding licencing and contents provision, which would ensure protection
from piracy and violation of the rights of
individuals to their dignity, that would
result from an increase in the number of
players in the broadcasting industry.


So This is Democracy? 2014

Select target paragraph3