Botswana 2014 violations & victories
3 April

Journalist Metlhaetsile Leepile
wins long running defamation
case against a Francistown High
court Judge Justice Mpaphi Phumaphi.

30 June

High court orders Weekly broadsheet, The Sunday Standard not
to publish verbatim extracts from
interviews conducted by the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) with Director of Intelligence Services (DIS)
Chief Mr Isaac Kgosi, until the case
is heard on 14 July.

8 September

Sunday Standard editor arrested
Outsa Mokone arrested and detained on charges of “seditious
intention.” He was released on appeal the next day.

12 September

Sunday standard senior reporter
Edgar Tsimane fled Botswana to
South Africa in fear of his safety
after security agents harassed him
for writing a series of stories about
the government.

22 April

Botswana Parliament passes law
allowing eletronic communications to be used as evidence in

5 August

The Voice Newspaper Journalist
Chenjelani Baraedi attacked by
prison officer for taking photographs of a man accused of raping
two women in Francistown.

5 August

Tuesday 5 August 2014. Dikgang
Publishing Company (DPC) publishers of Mmegi and Monitor
newspapers in court over defamation case filed by former managing
Director of Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) Maria
Nthebolan, regarding articles published between 2008 and 2011
about alleged corruption.

16 December

Botswana Government threatens
to use advertising as a weapon
against the private media.

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