Regional overview
ternet principles, standards and responsibilities in Africa. MISA is one of the
organizations involved in drafting the
Declaration and we believe it will be a
useful tool in advocating for an internet
that is accessible, locally relevant and a
tool for successful development.
The process for drafting the Declaration involved consultation and input at
the individual and organizational level
and it builds on well-established African human rights documents including the African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ Rights of 1981, the Windhoek
Declaration on Promoting an Independent and Pluralistic African Press of 1991,
the African Charter on Broadcasting of
2001, the Declaration of Principles on
Freedom of Expression in Africa of 2002,
and the African Platform on Access to
Information Declaration of 2011.
MISA calls for the Declaration to be endorsed by everyone with a stake in the
internet in Africa. We call on governments, individuals and organisations to
endorse the Declaration and in doing so
help shape Internet policy-making and
governance across the continent.

MISA will continue to publish media
alerts on violations in the region and we
urge media professionals and citizens
alike to report any violations in their respective countries.
Together, we will hold governments,
corporates and other institutions accountable for violations against freedom
of expression and media freedom. We
will strive for a southern Africa in which
all citizens are free to claim their right to
free expression.


So This is Democracy? 2014

Select target paragraph3